About MeOS
MeOS started as a small project to make it simple to organize small orienteering events and trainings. The initial design was made in Benin, West Africa, in the summer 2007 during a mathematics conference.
Today, MeOS has grown into a full featured event organizing program. But the ideal still is ease of use. With some basic computer skill, you should have no problem organizing a small orienteering event with almost no preparation from your part.
Using only three mouse clicks, you can create a new competition and be ready to read out SI cards. MeOS interactively creates courses and classes for you as the runners read out their cards.

For larger events, you use MeOS in a traditional way. You import entries and courses from one of the many formats supported by MeOS. You prepare classes and draw start lists. MeOS supports relays and patrol competition, and various other formats – including rogaining. Using the built in programming language, you even define your own rules for computing times, scores and results.
With the Announcer's module, you monitor radio times and results. MeOS automatically handles backup of you competition, and can even handle a restart of the server without having to interrupt card readout or direct entry.

For the interested, it may be worth noting that MeOS native file format is XML based, and relatively self-explanatory. Thus it is quite possible to do advanced changed to the competition directly in the file. To share a competition over the network, MySQL server is used.
MeOS is free to download and use. The program is based on open source, so if you wish you can rebuild the program yourself, and adapt it to your needs. If you want to support the development of MeOS you can buy a license or contribute by translating it to your language.