
I am a Ph.D. student at the Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University. My advisor is Christer Kiselman.


My research is about digital geometry -- the geometry of the computer screen. In particular, I have studied connectedness and continuity in integer n-space equipped with the Khalimsky topology. The background of this page, is an illustration of the Khalimsky plane. The lines shows which points are connected.


Here follow an incomplete list of texts that I have written.

[1] Connectedness and continuity in digital spaces with the Khalimsky topology
(M.Sc thesis 2003)

[2] Extension of continuous functions in digital spaces with the Khalimsky topology
(2003, Accepted for publication in Topology Appl.)

[3] Digital straight lines in the Khalimsky plane
(2003, Accepted for publication in Math. Scand.)

[4] Continuous extension in topological digital spaces
(Manuscript 2004)

[5] How to find a Khalimsky-continuous approximation of a real-valued function
(IWCIA 2004 (Eds. R. Klette & J. Zunic)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3322, pp. 351-365. Springer, 2004)

[6] Digital curves and surfaces
(Extended abstract of a talk given at FMB:s Open House, 2004-11-15)

[7] Digitization in Khalimsky spaces
(Licentiate thesis, 2004)

Kontakta mig gärna om du är intresserad av en kopia på något av dessa artiklar.

Please contact me if you are interested in getting a copy.

Other interests

  • I run orienteering for my club OK Linné
  • I am a juggler, and instructor at the Uppsala Circus School for children.


Erik Melin
Department of Mathematics
Box 480 Uppsala University
751 06 Uppsala

Phone: +46 18-471 3207 (work), +46 18-507748 (home), +46 702-638569 (cellular)
E-mail: melin(at)

Page modified 28 weeks ago, 2024-06-21