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Note: Text covers an earlier version.

More About Lists

Updated: 2014-03-07

Any list in MeOS is updated directly, as soon as competition data is changed. To create an automatic printout or export for the web, you can always click the button Automatize, see Automatic Printing and File Export.

Advanced Result Lists

On the page Lists, under Results, you find the button Advanced, which gives you access to specialized lists. You also have the possibility select precisely which classes to generate results for. Here follows a short description of some possibilities not already covered by section Start and Result Lists. Note that some lists doesn&[Unknown function 039;t]support all options.

List with split times means that split times are included for named controls, see section Controls.

The options from controlto control generates a result list for a part of the course.
You can make a list from the start to a radio control, to create a result list for the radio. Times are calculated as in the speaker system. The list general results will often give you a suitable formatting.
The field leg is used to access a certain leg in a rely. Many list also supports a custom list heading.

All Lists

The button All lists gives you access to all lists defined in MeOS. Here follows an incomplete list of the lists:
MeOS shows direct buttons to the most likely needed lists for your competition.

Custom Lists

The Edit List start the List editor, described in Editing Lists. The command Manage Custom Lists opens a view where see custom lists added to the competition and custom lists that you can add, and lets you browse for lists defined in an external file.
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