MeOS Resources
Here you find information on how to make MeOS communicate with the world around, other applications, other punching systems, and how to extend MeOS. If you have extensions or improvement that you would like to contribute, you are most welcome to contact us.MeOS Online Protocol
MeOS Online Protocol (MOP) is a computer protocol that allows (almost) real time publishing of results, intermediate times and start lists on the Internet. The protocol is designed to use a minimal amount of bandwidth.MeOS Online Protocol 2020-02-29The archive includes a description of the protocol and examples written in PHP that runs on a web server or can be used as a starting point to build a more sophisticated result publishing system.
MeOS Input Protocol
MeOS Input Protocol (MIP) is a computer protocol used for remote input of data to MeOS, for example radio times.MeOS Input Protocol 2019-05-06The archive includes a description of the protocol and an example written in PHP than runs on a web server. The example includes a simple web form where you enter a bib number and control number. These are sent to MeOS as a radio time. This form could be used by a control sentinel via a mobile phone connected to the Internet.
Sending Punches and Cards to MeOS
MeOS can receive punches (radio times, start punches, finish punches), and complete readout cards via TCP. Select the port TCP on the page SportIdent. It is now possible to use MeOS with any punch system; it suffices to write a small program that communicates with the punching hardware and sends data to 2014-02-20The archive contains a small sample program written in Java (with source code) that sends manually entered punches or cards to MeOS
Listening to Intermediate Times and Results
If you activate sending of fast advance information when connecting MeOS to a server, MeOS will send this information on the local network via UDP. It is possible for any third party program running to listen to this information and use it for a custom 2014-02-20The archive contains a small example program written in Java (with source code) that listens to the MeOS clients in the network and print events on standard out.
Adding Language Support
To translate MeOS into another language, you need to download the source code of the latest MeOS version. The copy the file english.lng to the folder where your regular MeOS installation resides (you need not build MeOS yourself to work with translations) or to MeOS data folder (which might be more convenient for you). Rename the file to extra.lng. The file contains rows like:Avancerat = Advanced Avbryt = Cancel Avgift = Fee Följande deltagare har bytt klass = The following competitors have changed class Ingen matchar 'X' = No match for 'X' Klass %d = Class %dwhere the left hand side typically is a Swedish string (the key) and the right hand side is the translation (English to start with). To translate MeOS, you translate the right hand side to the new language. Symbols, such as X and %d above, will be replaced by names, number, etc. by MeOS and you must keep these symbols in the translation.
You can always test the translation by starting MeOS; the new language will appear as a new language choice.