MeOS 4.1 Beta 1
- Improved manual drawing of multiple classes.
- Ability to wish classes to be drawn early or late without locking in exact start time.
- Ability to let classes with the same initial course start at the same time by specifying that one class's participants are fast runners and other classes are slow.
- Direct feedback with warning when manual changes cause problems, e.g. runners with the same start time and course.
- The start time distribution can now also be used for seeded drawing.
Improved competitors in forest analysis.
- Filtering on how long the participant has been running, e.g. only showing those who have been in the forest for more than two hours.
- Reporting of used unknown cards with suggestions for owners from the runner database.
- Status of controls. Considering radio times and courses, which controls can be taken in even though runners are still in the forest? By having a radio control that most people pass after about half the course, you get good opportunities to collect controls from the eariler parts.
- Export and import of bibs to/from file. Assign number bibs to a limited number of participants in the class (e.g. the first ten at the pursuit start).
- Get a warning if the participant's card cannot hold enough punches for the course (Run Competition Check).
- Possibility to activate a warning and prevent direct entry with older types of cards if they are not supported (Competition settings).
- Type of card in Competitors' table.
- Competitors' table includes which finish unit and start unit was used.
- Export of forks in IOF-XML format.
- Support for exporting live results (radio controls, active/inactive status) to IOF-XML, which can be used when communicating with other systems.
- Improved handling of templates for export to HTML.
- Compact version of club name to be able to create prints on very narrow paper.
MeOS 4.0 Update 3
- Solved server issue with results online.
- Corrected sorting for team results at last radio control.
- Solved problem with incorrect club modifications.
MeOS 4.0 Update 2
MeOS 4.0 Update 1
- Configurable entry data fields int the web service. Custom and optional input fields for quick entry are now also supported in the web service.
Correspondingly, the MeOS Input Protocol (MIP) has been extended to support these data records.
- A few more columns in the table for participants, such as corresponds to the feature to require payment before starting, introduced in version 4.0.
MeOS 4.0
- Require payment before result is accepted is a flag that is set in the Economy settings for a competitor and means that registration
fees must be paid before the competitor can receive a result and time. Can be used for those who run for a foreign club or are clubless and cannot be invoiced.
- Note that some translations are still not completed and will be added in future updates.
MeOS 4.0 RC1
MeOS is probably very similar to the final version. Documentation is not completely update and translations to other languages than Swedish and English are not yet included.
- Support for score-based ranking, where a higher score means better ranking.
MeOS 4.0 Beta 1
- The request start time function. Something between drawn and free start time. Before the start, the participant requests a start time, where they can choose from available start times. MeOS can ensure that runners with the same course or from the same club do not start too close together. A start certificate can be printed out and brought to the start.
- For competitions with qualifiers and finals, e.g. knockout sprint, you can now edit the qualifying scheme directly in MeOS. There are also new options: Support for B finals, time qualification (everyone who passes a given qualifying time are qualified, or the N best times in all heats are qualified), you can let the N best qualify. It is also possible to let some go directly to the A-final and some to a second chance, with the possibility of qualifying for the A-final.
- An additional level for late registration fee, if you e.g. want an extra increased fee for registration on the day of the competition.
- When reading out a card, there is now a direct link to edit the competitor.
- Signing of unchanged card data. MeOS keeps track of whether a read-out card has been changed by adding punches or changing the time. The feature makes it harder to cheat by changing something directly in MeOS. Whoever has access to the database can of course manipulate results anyway, but whoever wants to do so has to make an effort.
- Start on signal. A function to allow the start to determine the start time in case of joint start (start gun or similar). The operator sits ready and presses start now when the start signal sounds.
- Improved result report, especially in kiosk mode, where runners can see their or the team's results (including pre warnings for upcoming exchanges) by scanning their tag. If you have a larger screen, you can configure the display so that the requested results of several participants are displayed at the same time.
- Support for additional external runner ID, which is useful if you want to manage national and international runner IDs in the same competition.
- Extra self-defined data fields for competitors, teams and classes. You can define your own data or text that can be displayed in lists or used for special result calculations. It is also possible to set whether these data fields should be presented in the form mode or during direct entry (and some existing data records, such as date of birth, gender, telephone, ranking, etc. can also be activated in the form).
- Comments can be associated with competitors and teams. These are not used by MeOS, but should be seen more as memory notes directly in the program (e.g. about changes that have been made) instead of on loose paper.
- Portuguese (thanks to Bruno Santos for translation)
MeOS 3.9 Update 1
- Corrected bugs, most importantly in the announcer's module (caused in 3.9 by the support for subsecond timing) and fee calculation based on age (caused in 3.9 by the support for full birth date).
- Ukranian language support. Thanks to Oleg Rozhko.
MeOS 3.9
- Support for subsecond timing (tenths of seconds). Times are on the format HH:MM:SS.T.
- Possible to design custom lists for split time prining using the the list editor. It is possible to set a defult list for the competition, but also to set custom lists per class.
- Smoother handling of unpaired cards: Find the runner who had the wrong/missing tile in the Competitor view. Click in the card number field. You will receive an automatic suggestion of which card number to use.
- Improved forking algorithm in the case where there are more forking variants than teams. Now, in the first place, variants that give a large spread will be chosen. Particular priority is given to wide spread at the start of the first leg and the end of the last leg.
- A new card reading mode, Several races per competitor, which is useful in a situation where the same runner makes several starts in a row (runs several laps) with the same card. There will be an automatic, numbered, new registration for each readout (until someone else is registered as usual with the same card).
- Improved handling of online start, check, and radio controls where device function cannot be determined. Now you can set yourself how the unit's punches are to be interpreted (instead of being locked to established conventions, as before).
- Support for custom images and logos in lists, including split times printings.
- You can now adjust the time of individual finish and start units. Make sure that all units are programmed with distinct codes. The units used in the competition appear as controls (Finish Unit 5, Start Unit 5 etc). Enter a time adjustment +/-MM:SS.
- Possibility to enable automatic rental card status (through pre-registered rental cards) when assigning rental cards. Thus, this function can now also be used for on-site registration of cards, also for non-rental cards.
- Import of courses from a simple text format: One line per course. First a name (optional) and then the controls listed in order.
- Improved user interface in the list editor. Some list entries (for teams) now supports for automatic leg selection, specified leg or (which is new) all legs for the team. The latter makes it easy to create lists that on one line list the data (time, status, forking, etc.) for all legs. There are also expanded options to sort by club in the first place, which allows for more types of club lists.
- Option to enter date of birth instead of just year of birth in the competition and the competitor database. Improved ability to edit the runner database, for example the external Id, which can be useful when not working against a central database.
MeOS 3.8 Update 1
- A separate window for card readout. A new button New Window on the page SportIdent opens
a window showing the latest card readout. You can move this window to a separate screen, turned towards the competitors,
and maximize it there.
- Correction of forkings keys imported via bibs. In some cases the result was incorrect earlier. Also, if you update
the bibs via the table view, the start number is updated to be consistent, as it is the start number that controls the forking.
- The battery voltage for SIAC is now presented also when reading out cards without an open competition.
MeOS 3.8
- Import of forking keys from IOF-XML and OCAD. For this to work the classes need to be defined
with the correct number of legs and that in each class the first number bib number is set
(with automatic assignment bibs in the class).
- Import of IOF-XML results and split times. For example, this means that you can import GPS tracks into
Livelox, generate and export
a raw IOF-XML result file, import it into MeOS, edit and complete it to generate a result list or organize a pursuit based on the results.
This is a workflow suitable for simpler training arrangements.
- Support for audio feedback when reading out a card. Different signals indicate the runner status or if any action need to be taken (like an unknown card)
- You can now save certain services in the competition (Results Online and Remote Input), which means that you can prepare and easily restart these services.
Passwords are only saved locally on the computer, not in the competition itself.
- Right-click context menu in tables to easily select a column or sort and filter. Buttons to select all or nothing in the entire table.
- New control status: Missing. This means that punching this control is not required and no timing is performed;
the time at the next control will be the same as the time for the previous control.
- Modernized connection to the database (MySQL). Really does not involve any new functionality, but is more robust with newer versions of MySQL, and solves some reported issues with changes that are not visible on all connected computers.
- Improvements to the List Editor. You can now search for types (As Participant start time) and see a preview of what data is being generated.
- The file extension of MeOS exported competitions is now .meosxml so that they are easier to distinguish from IOF-XML (results export etc). The file format is unchanged.
- When reading and SIAC chip, the battery voltage is also read. If it starts to get low, a warning is displayed on the stretch time printout.
- Support for duplicating a class, which is especially useful if you have complicated team settings that are to be used in several classes.
- Support for importing start groups from Eventor.
- Support for defining starting group at club level.
- 64-bit version
MeOS 3.7SD (Social Distance Edition)
Minor improvements of documentation, handling of starting groups and merging of competitions.
MeOS 3.7SD (Social Distance Edition) RC1
- Support for starting groups, for example to make drawn-out starting fields.
You can let participants request a starting group (e.g. by adding services to Eventor,
such as "Start between 10.00 and 10.30"), assign a starting group according to custom principles,
or let MeOS construct starting groups where clubs are kept together, so that those who probably
travel together starts at about the same time.
- Distributed competition secretariats through the merge competitions function. This makes it
possible to have different event centers for different classes or a relay from point A to point B
with changes in different places, where it is not practical or possible to set up a common local network.
You start from a common base competition, and make changes / read out cards in the different places.
Then you exchange competition files and do a merge, to compile the total version.
MeOS 3.7 RC2
- New example competitions.
- French documentation and Spanish language support.
- Correct import of IOF-XML with course identification which is not numeric.
- Invoice dates
MeOS 3.7 RC1
- New Rest API, difference, to request a list of changes (a difference if you like) since the last call.
The primary usage of this functionality
is to keep an external database synchronized with the competition.
- Support for Swedish Eventor's convention to handle competitors that have requested no timing.
- Support to define no timing in the quick entry dialog.
- Place vacant runners first or last when drawing start times. You can create vacant position also for a common start.
- Import a runner database with several external runners Ids, for example a national Id and an IOF-Id
- Invoice date.
MeOS 3.7 Beta 1
- Define the default Result Module per class. This setting has effect in every list, for live results and when exporting data. You can setup rules that give a time punishment rather disqualification for missing controls. You can also compute a score for the result, and if you have sequence of competitions, these scores can be used to automatically and immediately compute the final result after the final competition.
- For a multi stage event, each individual stage result is transferred to the next stage.
- Extension of MOP (for live results). Now it also includes card number and an indication if a competitor has started (provided you have a start or check unit online).
- New status Out-of-competition (OOC). The competitor gets a time, but no result and is listed below all runners with a valid result in the result list.
- New status No timing. The competitor gets no time, but the result list indicates OK for a valid result. In the result list, these competitors are sorted alphabetically below the competitors that have a time.
- Improved performance when generating long lists and for save competition.
- A new button on the page SportIdent, Lock Function that prevention (unintentional) switch of functionality, for example from reading out cards to entry mode or vice versa.
- New table with courses, and an improved table for classes, including course information and number of entries.
- If you input or load a list with rental cards, this information is now used automatically for API entry or registration when finishing.
- Status information directly on the page competitor. Current result or what radio control was last visited and when.
- Print split times for a race without a course.
- Filter lists by age. For all lists the class selection is extended and you can add a filter to only (for example) include young persons when showing the list. The age limit is a competition setting.
MeOS 3.6 Update 3
Improved automatic distribution of start times when many classes have similar courses.
Solved problem when changing a start name or bib after competition was uploaded on a server.
Further font scale adjustment for PDF export.
MeOS 3.6 Update 2
- New predefined class setting: Several races in any order.
- Added missing functionality for team competition with several stages.
- Stability improvements for the database connection.
MeOS 3.6 Update 1
- Adjusted scale for PDF-export. Avoid problem with too small fonts.
- Support for modified export format from SIConfig+
- Performance improvements: fast list view and save/export to HTML.
- Support for check time in result modules. Possible to show number of starting runners per class in lists.
- Updated English documentation
- Stability fixes
MeOS 3.6
- You can now preregister rental cards either by importing a list of card numbers or by punching the cards.
If rental cards are registered, the hired setting will updated automatically for a new entry.
- New reports:
- Unexpected Entry Fees shows persons with an entry fee that does not match age and class settings.
- Team Change Form print to use for manual teams updates.
- Entries via API lists those who have signed up via MeOS API for entry, for example via Wi-Fi.
- Updated documentation of the REST-API and MOP/MIP. Complete documentation will be added later.
MeOS 3.6 RC1
- Easier to make manual list adjustments. In every list there is now a button Class Settings where
you in addition to change the class selection it is possible to control page breaks between classes
and modify the page header.
- Entry via REST-API, or in plain English direct entry via Wi-Fi. Let people connect their own mobile phone
to a local Wi-Fi (without Internet connection), provide a link or QR code to scan, taking them to MeOS entry page
(http://computer/meos?enter), we you directly – backed by the runner database, can sign up for the
race. If the cellphone coverage is good, it is also possible to publish the entry service to the Internet and
skip the local Wi-Fi. (This would require some knowledge of network configurations).
- New start time drawing method with improved randomness for individual competitors.
The previous method was based on a procedure described in older versions of the Swedish competition rules.
For small classes with few participating clubs, it could mean that a particular club's (single) runner could only
be assigned certain times in the draw because a main point in that method is to separate the clubs.
A goal of the new method is to get a similar outcome, but prioritize higher that each
individual runner should have the opportunity to get any starting time.
The old method still exists as an alternative, but is not the default choice.
- New competition mode: Timing / without courses. Use MeOS only for timing.
Radio controls can be used for intermediate times without the need for a course.
Result calculation can be based on number of completed laps.
- Improved HTML export. Support for templates. This release includes a template where
the list is displayed in columns and automatically switches between pages and reloads –
for display on result screen. It is possible to create custom templates by editing .template files.
If this function is combined with the MeOS embedded web server, you can set up result screens that always
retrieves the latest results directly from MeOS, without periodically exporting files.
- Support for using dynamic data in the split time printout.
- It is possible to prevent a team (or competitor) from being included in the restart, even if the rope time is violated.
- Runner Report with detailed race information (control mistakes etc) is available on the announcer's tab.
- Possible to combine shortenings and loops where the shortening means running fewer loops.
- Support for the ranking format used by IOF for world ranking.
- New list: Live results. This is a list including radio times before card readout with a sorting similar
to that of live results on
- Support for specifying available maps per class or course, for use with direct entry.
- General improved support for qualification/final schemes, for example ranking based heats.
There is also a new result list including all heats.
- Improvements for live results. MOP2.0 supports delete, which speeds up updates when competitors, teams or clubs are removed.
- Support for entering times in a short form, type 112322 instead of 11:23:22.
- Extension of MeOS Input Protocol (MIP), with support for direct entries from a web service.
MeOS 3.5 Update 3
- Fix for incorrect runner lookup when reading out cards interactively.
- Stabilized upload of results to Eventor.
- Improved runner matching when importing ranking data.
- Export team structure for teams without runners (IOF-XML).
- Handle modified patrol export from Eventor.
MeOS 3.5 Update 2
- Fix for unintentional reset of external runner id when editing competitors.
- Send preliminary live result at finish punch, before reading out the card.
MeOS 3.5 Update 1
- Support for Windows 10 Build 1709. On high resolution screens it could happen that
MeOS became blurry. Now MeOS informs Windows that you can set the desired font size from
within the program and that Windows should not attempt to scale MeOS by some blurry method.
- Support for MySQL 8.0 as a database server.
- Fix for a crash that could happen for certain team modifications.
MeOS 3.5
- Modify the zero time also when the competition is uploaded to a server.
You can use this to easily move all start times.
- Updated documentation.
MeOS 3.5 RC2
- Better handling of time in old SI Cards.
The 12-hour clock is now matched against the competitor's start time, if known, rather than the
zero time, to determine which part of the day to use. When reading out cards without a competition,
the the local time of the computer used to determine the part of the day.
- Automatic completion of name and club with the runner database in more contexts.
- Some minor bug fixes. Corrected name extraction from SI Cards, correct default choice of drawing method.
MeOS 3.5 RC1
- Autocomplete functionality for names of persons and clubs, using the current runner database. The functionality makes it easier and more robust to enter the right club and person.
- Save draw settings for editing in a spreadsheet program (such as Excel). You can then reimport the start times to perform the drawing.
- Improved viewing of lists in full screen: page by page. Adjust background and color.
- Functionality to save and restore the speaker windows configuration.
- MeOS Information Server. Start the service MeOS Information Server and access competition data in various formats,
export defined lists in HTML and query for result data via http and a REST-API. Current documentation can be found
at the base address, usually http://localhost:2009/meos, once the server is started.
- The competition form qualification-final. Support for a competition type with short heats in relatively rapid succession.
when the result of one heat is used to qualify to the next final according to some predefined scheme, like a qualification–semi final–final/b-final.
All races are defined in one competition, and the start list for the next finals are determined by MeOS directly and automatically.
Activate support for several races for a runner and load q qualification-final-scheme for the class on the page Classes.
- Option to lock forkings to prevent unintentional altering of forking keys.
- New runner status: Cancelled. A variant of that shows in the start list.
- Option to keep current start times when the zero time is changed. A warning is given for an inadequate zero time when drawing the start list.
- Warning when exporting results if there are competitors with missing result or vacancies.
- Logging of exact time for direct entry; useful if you need to synchronize the list with an external payment logging.
- Support for patrols in rogaining, where all team members much punch
the same control within a certain time limit to score.
- All texts are now processed as Unicode, which implies that names in all langugages can be used.
Note: While it is possible to open a competition saved with version 3.5 in the latest update of version 3.4, opening
it in an earlier version of MeOS (which is otherwise generally possible) will corrupt non-Latin characters.
MeOS 3.4 Update 2
- Solved a problem with quick entry; the club was reset when editing an entry.
- Improved layout when printing pages.
MeOS 3.4 Update 1
- Solved a bug when the same entry data was imported more than once.
MeOS 3.4
Only some minor fixes and improvements
- Improved SportIdent station detection.
- Support to show all names on the format 'Last name, First name' in the user interface.
- Improved printer error handling.
MeOS 3.4 RC1
- Support for printing split times on a regular printer, formatted
wide using columns. Support for collecting several printouts on the same sheet.
- General support for names on the form 'Last name, Given name'. This makes it
possible to do a failsafe split of a name into its parts.
- Improved support for exchanging data with the competition databases in France (thanks to Pierre Gaufillet).
- Support for more general external identifiers, needed in some countries.
- Improved handling of fee data in IOF-XML.
MeOS 3.4 Beta 1
- Functionality to count hired cards and obtained a report on missing
cards can be found on the page SportIdent.
- Rewritten and improved Event view in the Speaker module.
- Support for defining custom modes of payment, such as a locally available
electronic payment system. These modes of payment become options
at the quick entry form, for example.
- Support for competition times above 22 hours. To specify a time more than 24 hours
after the zero time for the competition, use the following syntax: 2D 14:00:00. This is
interpreted as 2pm 2 days (2D) after the zero time (that is 62 hours after the zero time, which
is defined as 00:00:00 day zero).
For times taking place the same day as the zero time, 0D may be excluded meaning you can
write just 14:00:00 instead of 0D 14:00:00.
SICard6 or later must be used and the time between two punches may never exceed twelve hours.
- A service for backup. If you wish to save the entire competition on, for example,
a USB memory with a regular interval, this is now possible.
- Quick Entry for Teams and the page teams. Add a new team, click
Tie a Runner to the Leg and then Quick Entry.
- Support for drawing start times per course, rather than per class, which is useful if many
classes share the same course. You will find this option under Draw Start Times for Several Classes,
Draw Manually, and Draw classes with the same course together. You can also draw start times
for all classes using a course on the page Courses.
- Your manual settings when drawing many classes are now saved,
and can be loaded if you want to continue later,
or repeat the drawing with the same settings as last time
after making some other changes to the competition.
- Possibility to unconditionally ignore the start punch for a class.
- Possibility to view and change some advanced basic settings
for MeOS, such as time format, font, and refresh intervals for the network.
Click on Change local settings on the first page.
- See how much space the automatic backups use and possibility to remove backups.
- Possibility to design start lists with time after zero time rather than real time.
- Support for importing team line-ups encoded in UTF8 or Unicode.
- Support for SportIdent tCard (contributed by Pavel Kazakov)
MeOS 3.3A
Some small enhancements and
- Support for importing punches saved with SIConfig+
- Improved data exchange with Eventor for teams where the same person runs several legs. Eventor does not support this, but allows the
same persons to be assigned to several ordinary legs, which MeOS cannot allow. MeOS 3.3A interprets such entires in a flexible way,
and also supports exporting start and result list without race number information, which Eventor cannot handle.
- Improved logic for extra runners running multiple races.
- Fixed incorrect leg place in the IOF-XML team export.
- Solved some problems with result calculation and display of preliminary results, that is,
result lists generated after the finish punch but before the competitor reads out the card.
MeOS 3.3 Update 3
Solved some problems for patrol classes. Alphabetical sorting now respects the local computer settings defining the sort order.
MeOS 3.3 Update 2
Improved support for detectng corrupted SICard 6. Errors are indicated (depending on what error has occurred) as
empty punches with no time and code, or as extra punches with the expected code + 1000.
MeOS 3.3
Fixed some minor issues in RC1.
MeOS 3.3 RC1
- Possibility to copy a list to the clipboard for pasting in a word processor or spreadsheet program
- More built-in reports and lists:
- Course usage list suitable when ordering maps.
- Control overview where the expected number of visitors and number of competitors remaining in forest is shown for each control.
- Control statistics with mistake frequency etc.
- List with forkings suitable to create map labels; copy the list and paste it into a word processor able to format and print labels.
- The list with the latest results now works also for teams and can be used at a radio control, for example
to show intermediate times or prewarnings at a large screen.
- Simplified access of the Stopwatch on large screen (Live results), using the button Live results on the page Speaker.
MeOS 3.3 Beta 1
Improved support for splitting classes, based on ranking,
club affiliation, randomness or results from earlier stages.
It is possible to setup qualification heats (equal classes, ranking based)
and then merge and split the classes for the Finals forming A Finals, B Finals
etc. based on the result in the qualification.
- Seeded start time drawing. You can have different seeding groups in
the draw (based on rankings or past results) or just let the seeding
determine the starting order.
- User interface to easily modify the team lineups by moving runners
between teams and legs.
- Smarter import of late entries and team lineups. Any changes
(class changes, team changes, etc.) already made in MeOS are
retained even if the file with the new entries contain the
old (erroneous) data. Also works when synchronizing with Eventor.
- Support for out of order parallel legs, where one does not
know in advance who runs which course.
- General support for course shortenings. Enter a sequence of
the shortened course variants. MeOS determines which variant was
run and puts all who have run a shorter
version behnd in the result lists.
This works with relays (e.g. a shorter course
for the restart) and with individual classes.
- Smarter management of bibs. Various methods for automatically
distributing bib numbers between classes and within the team.
- Improved result kiosk for relays. See incoming runner radio times.
Can for example be used in conjunction with online check units at the
entrance of the changeover area.
- Ability to print out a Start Certificate.
- Better management of direct entry, class changes, and card changes
for competitions with serveral stages.
- Improved default settings for the drawing of start times. The default
settings now assume that late entries will be drawn at the same time
as the regular entries, and does not automatically allocates space for
additional competitors, resulting in a more compact starting field.
The Swedish draw method, which takes into account the club affiliation is
default, instead of the completely random draw.
- Support for editing course leg lengths manually.
- Better speaker view of parallel legs.
- Support for user defined lists over courses and controls. For example,
for control mistake statistics, course usage, etc.
- Support for predefined parallel changeover schemes. Assume leg 1 and 2 are parallel.
Then you can specify that leg 1 will send out leg 3, and leg 2 will send out leg 4.
- Support for mixing extra runners and parallel legs.
- Improved handling of parallel legs and extra runners in the result lists.
Easier to set up print jobs for leg results.
- Function to create anonymous team members (named X) when the team members are missing.
- Function to change forking key for an entire team.
- Live results on screen, where a running time is
shown in full screen for a competitor between two
controls or the start and finish.
- Ability to create lists consisting of several
merged lists.
- Better support for using multiple sources of entry data, for example,
several competitions in Eventor, or Eventor and other external
entry systems. Automatic management of runners and team ID collisions.
MeOS 3.2 Update 1a
- Solves a problem with TIMEOUT for live results.
- Solves a network problem for relays with thousends of course forks.
- Filters away incomplete teams for the analyses of fair/unfair course forks.
- Defines a symbol for birth year in the result module.
- Solves a issue with result module calculations.
MeOS 3.2
- Improved handling of club changes for competitions with several stages.
- New and extended example comptitions. The individual example competition, for example,
shows how you can present a sub result (a club championship) inside a larger event.
- Improved method to decide an optimal refresh frequency for lists and the speaker module, to
utilize available capacity in the best way.
MeOS 3.2 RC1
- Improvements for competitions with several stages: New methods to handle changed
classes and new entires when transferring
results to the next stage.
- The form for Advanced result settings on the page Lists is now more usable.
It handles custom result lists, and you can create lists with large font size for printing.
- More built-in editable lists, for example:
- A narrow result list suitable for use with a receipt printer.
- A list with result for and within a single club.
- List with input result from previous stages
- Start lists
- Improvements for Result Modules. Possible to show any number of calculated values or times in result lists,
and support for user defined parameters which you can specify in the dialog for advanced result settings.
- Direct Editing of results from earlier stages on the page for Competitors and Teams.
- Support for radio times from SIAC (Touch-free punching).
MeOS 3.2 Beta 1
- Import team line up from a simple text format.
- A function to construct optimal forking from available courses.
- Improved speaker functionality for competitions with several stages and for relays.
- Support for rogaining for teams.
- Split time printer: A new mode where you can read out cards without any open competition and print the punch times directly.
- Custom result modules. You can define rules for how results are calculated through a simple programming language. Here is preliminary documentation in Swedish (Please use some automatic translation tool). Some examples:
- Time penalty/disqualification for (extra) punches at the wrong control.
- Time reduction for each coin paid for the entry fee (charity event).
- Allowed to skip over exactly one arbitrary control of the course.
- A team competition where the first team with four runners at the finish wins.
- Doubled punishment for control mistakes (though split time analysis).
- Time bonus for leg wins.
- Possibility to export the runner database as IOF-XML.
- New mode for competitors in a team, group, where each runner competes in his/her individual class, but still can be part of a team with a result in the team's class.
- Automatic handling of repeated use of the same control in the speaker module (there is no longer any need for special treatment).
- New functions for custom lists: Result from and to a specific control. New sort order, last finish first, suitable for a screen showing the latest results.
- A simplified user interface with possibility to hide functionality that is not needed.
- Improved in-forest list when cards are reused.
- Improved sorting of non-pure numeric bibs.
- Simplified view for forked classes.
- Automatic check, with warnings, for unfair forking.
- More settings for export of IOF-XML, selection of classes, export team results as individual, control how loop courses are exported.
MeOS 3.1 Update 3
- Fixed a bug that affected the speaker view for certain individual competition configurations.
MeOS 3.1 Update 2
- Fixed a bug that affected the speaker view for certain team configurations.
- Fixed a bug that affected saving and overwriting pdf files.
MeOS 3.1 Update 1
- Fixed a bug that affected the TCP-port for incomming punches.
MeOS 3.1
- Improved speaker client, including faster updates,
better sorting and highlighting of that latest changes.
- Better support for sharing cards within a team:
If several team members have the same predefined card, MeOS will now
trust the competitors to read out cards in the right order. If there
are parallel legs, it is better to assign cards when registering for the leg.
- Improved interactive readout of cards. If you type a part of the name,
MeOS will automatically lookup and suggest a matching runner.
- It is possible to disable the runner database for competitions that do
not use the normal clubs.
MeOS 3.1 Beta 2
- Export to PDF. All lists can be saved as a PDF file.
You can generate PDF invoices for clubs, each in a file named after the club.
- Loops. Suppose there are five loops that you can run in any order.
There are 120 possible courses, which is quite tedious to setup. MeOS has a
new solution for this situation: Enter one course, for example with loops taken
in order “ABCDE”, and specify the common control. When a runner finishes, MeOS
will automatically create a course that matches the actual order of the loops
for the runner. Moreover, MeOS will sort splits so that runners can compare
times as if everyone had run the loops in the same order. You can also use
this functionality for butterfly style forking.
- Result on finish punch. When timing is the primary purpose,
you can now setup a class to use the finish punch for final result calculation.
The runner gets status OK directly, no card readout or course is needed.
If you combine this functionality with a course, radio punches are used as
controls/intermediate times. MeOS can be used as a general timing system.
- Split times printing. There is now an option to include or not
include lost time analysis. If leg lengths are included (through OCAD import for example),
MeOS can present pace (min/km) for each leg. You can include custom rows with (for example)
- Invoice settings. You can define exactly where to print the receiver's address
on the page. You can also control invoice numbers and add custom text rows with information.
- Custom lists. Improved functionality: You can merge text fields
(for example name and club) to one string to get a more compact design compared
to using separate columns. You can also adjust text and set a color. A new view,
Handle Custom Lists, makes it easier to administer your lists.
- Results Online, on the page Services, lets you send results to
a web server or to a file, either as IOF-XML or using MeOS new format MOP
(MeOS Online Protocol). For MOP, there is a published example on how to
setup a web server to show results.
- Remote Input is a reverse service to MOP. It uses MeOS Input Protocol (MIP)
to download radio times, card data, team-lineup etc. into MeOS. There is a published
example, which shows how a web form can be used to input bib numbers that end up as
radio times in MeOS.
- Server improvements. The database connection is significantly improved to
minimize network traffic. The option fast advance information sends intermediate and
finish times directly between the MeOS clients on the local network, to get immediate
updates in the speaker client and in result lists. There is a published example,
written in Java, how to listen to this advance information, for custom applications.
- Documentation, and an example written in Java how to send punches and complete cards to MeOS.
This opens for the possibility to use MeOS with any punching system.
- Interactive mode when assigning rented cards (or to tie competitor with card).
Type (or use a bar code reader) to enter the start number, name, or race id
(which is an id number that can be assigned to each individual race) and read
the card, to tie a competitor with a card.
- Support for Russian the the Cyrillic alphabet on computers with Russian
operating system. Thanks to Paul A. Kazakov and Albert Salihov for the translation.
MeOS 3.1 Beta 1
- Improved functionality for manual timing. Use the check box manual input on the page SportIdent.
- Support for events with several stages with teams.
- Improvements of the IOF-XML 3 format, including support for time zone information.
- Support for Danish. (Thanks to Michael Leth Jess and Chris Bagge)
- Improvements in the server protocol, meaning less data has to be transferred to and from the server.
MeOS 3.0
- You can now use the first control on the course as start, or use the last control as finish.
This setting is made per course. The functionality is useful if you don't have access to a start
or finish unit, or if you want to start or end timing in the first (for example due to a missing control),
or excuse some classes from a tough finish.
- There is a table mode for teams.
- Full support for an updated version of the IOF 3.0 XML course file.
- It is now possible to set a fee for an entire team, which is added to the invoice for the club. This is an
alternative to indirectly let the team start fee be the sum of the team members individual fees.
You find the fee field on the page Teams when you activate handle clubs and economy for the competition.
- Rogaining with time limit now supports score reduction per started minute.
- You can now set which Eventor server to use, when you want to use Eventor from some country other than Sweden.
MeOS 3.0 RC2
- Full support for SI-Card 10 and SI-Card 11. Note that you may need to update the software in your SI units to support these cards.
- Complete support for the IOF 3.0 version of the course file.
- A new competitor status (Not Taking Part) that can be used for test runners and runners not taking part in a particular stage of a multi day event.
- There is a field to give a comment/annotate a version of the competition. You can see this comment in the list of competitions.
MeOS 3.0 RC1
- It is possible to construct and design your own lists. On the page Lists there is a button, Edit list,
which will take you to the List Editor, where you can build the list, select font faces, etc. You can save a
list as a separate file to be reused in several events and you can save a list inside a certain event, and
thereby make it available to everyone using the event.
- It is possible to save list settings. You may, for example, select classes for a start list with
all classes wearing a bib at the second start. You can now save this particular list
(use button Remember List), and easily bring it up again when needed. The saved list is available
on all computers connected to the event.
- When using direct entry, on the page SportIdent, there is now a field to enter the competitor's
phone number, which might for example be suitable when the competitor has no club.
You will find all phone numbers in the table on the page Competitors.
- The table view of all controls, there is now a statistics part. It shows the number of visitors,
how much times competitors has lost on that control (maximal, average and median). This information
can provide valuable feedback for the course setter. A positive time lost median indicates that half
the visitors have lost at least the specified time at that control.
- MeOS now supports the IOF 3.0 XML format, to exchange data with other systems, for example entries
and courses. Some parts of this format are not definite yet, so this version might end up being
incompatible with the final version. If you encounter such difficulties, we suggest you revert to
using version 2.0.3, which is also supported. The final version of MeOS 3.0 is expected to support
the final version of the new format.
What's new in MeOS 3.0 Beta 2
- Improved economy support. Improved automatic entry fee handling, based on time of entry, class
and age. You input limits for early entry and age limits on the page competition settings.
You can specify basic fee for each class type. If you check the box Handle clubs and economy you
get detailed control of fees for each class (See Quick settings on the page Classes), and you
can also adjust the fee for individual competitors. In addition, MeOS now support custom currencies.
- A new Report Mode on the page competitors. You can see split times and missed controls directly
when reading out a card. It is also possible to use MeOS as a result kiosk (a network is required in practice)
and show the report for a runner punching an attached SI unit.
- Automatic scroll and fullscreen mode for all lists. With this function enabled, the lists scroll up
and down automatically. Of course, the lists are updated instantly.
This can be an alternative to printing lists.
- Some minor improvements in the central competition logic. For example it is now easy to use forking
with a course pool when runners are registered with MeOS as they finish; the logic for automatic
course and class selection has been improved. Also, the support for mixing Rogaining and traditional
orienteering has been improved.
- Drawing of start lists, or rather the automatic distribution of start times between classes is improved.
You can now control how many common controls are allowed for competitors with the same start time.
For multi event competitions, there is now support for chase and pursuit, seeded minute start, reversed pursuit
and similar constructions. You also get a graphical presentation of the distribution of runners over the start field.
- The list Events – Time line, found under the button All Lists, presents the whole
competition (for selected classes) chronologically.
What's new in MeOS 3.0 Beta 1
- Support for several stages (Choose Handle Several Stages in the page Competition).
It is possible to add a new stage to an existing competition; classes and runners are transferred
to the new stage. When the first stage is settled, you Transfer Results to the Next Stage.
Then it is possible to create total results in after the next stage. This procedure can be repeated as
many times as is needed.
It is also possible to connect different competitions at any point and transfer results between them
for total result lists. For this to be meaningful, however, the majority of the runners must
have participated in all stages.
- The club and runner database is now available in table format, which sometimes is useful.
You can transfer runners from the database to the competition by clicking a button.
MeOS tries to suggest a class based on age and gender, which might work will in some cases.
- The search function on the page runners (and teams) is improved into a filtering
function. Press Ctrl + F and type the beginning of the name or SI number. You see immediately
which runners matches, and a soon as you get a unique hit, the runner/team is automatically selected.
- Support for results based on course rather than class. (see All Lists).
What's new in MeOS 2.5
- German language support
- Possible to import start lists in the IOF XML format, making it easy to import competitions
from other orienteering software.
What's New in MeOS 2.5 RC1
- Improved connection to Eventor, with support for publishing start lists and results.
- Automatic calculation of entry fees.
What's New in MeOS 2.5 BETA 3
- Support for classes with optional patrols, that is, individual runners and patrols
in the same class. This type of class is an invention by the Swedish orienteering federation.
- Support for prioritizing runners in the speaker module.
- Possibility to export results/splits (IOF-XML) for individual legs in relays. This might be suitable for Prologue + Pursuit classes.
What's New in MeOS 2.5 BETA 2
- New possibilities with tables. Cut and paste to/from spreadsheet tables, like Excel.
This means, for example, that it possible to paste entries and start times from Excel,
or freely manipulate start times or fees. It is also possible to add and delete rows
from tables.
- A table for punches now exists. It is possible to edit or erase punches from radio
controls, if necessary.
- A direct link to the Swedish entry site, Eventor. You can setup a complete
competition and update the runner database in a few simple steps.
What's New in MeOS 2.5 BETA 1
- On-the-fly split time analysis. Total time lost can be displayed in various result lists.
Split time prints includes a summary with time lost per control. You also get lost time
per control totally in the competition; For every control you get total and average time
lost. The quality of the statistics improve as more runners finish.
- An event view in the speaker module. Events (radio times, runners finishing etc) in
selected classes, chronologically sorted, together with other essential information
(current place, time, time after, lost/gained time and split time analysis (when finishing)
- Price ceremony lists showing which places are certain and at what time remaining
places (at the latest) will be decided.
- Support for rogaining. For a visited control the runner is awarded a given
number of points. Either the course has a time limit and point reduction per
minute over the limit. Alternatively, a course can have a required number of
points, and the fastest time wins. It is possible to mix rogaining and
normal orienteering in the same course.
- Possibility to create result lists between two controls
(or start–control, control–finish).
- Support for automatic export of web results. Just as you can print
lists at regular intervals, you can now export a web document and
run a custom script to upload the result to a web server.
- Improved connection between runner / team in the user interface. There
now is a button that directly takes you from the runner to its team, and conversely.
- Possibility to undo some actions.
- Support for more than one window, meaning you can show more than one list or have multiple
windows open in the speaker module.
- A new button to create an automatic print job / web export from any list.
- Support for SICard6 with 192 punches, courses with more than 64 controls and improved support for SICard9.
To the download page.