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Note: Text covers an earlier version.

Team Line-Ups

Updated: 2015-02-17

On the page Teams, visible when you have defined a class with a team, you manage teams and team line-ups. You can import team line-ups from IOX-XML (Eventor) but you can also import from a simple text format.

Choose Import Team Line-Ups on the page Teams. You need to specify a file with team data, separated by semicolon according to a certain format:

Final;OC Leafbeholders 1;OC Leafbeholders
Ricardo Carleman;12323;OC Leafbeholders;Easy-1;M10
Boris Braun;32323;OC Leafbeholders;Medium-2;M12
Lisa Stark;42433;Rasbo OBC;Hard-1;W16

Finalklass;IF Thor 1;IF Thor
Maja Mård;42525;IF Thor;vit-2;D10
Konrad Klok;2545;IF Thor;gul-1;H12
Kit Walker;41434;IF Thor;gul-2;U3

Use competitor&[Unknown function 039;s]already in competition means that competitors that already exist in the competition will be matched and moved to the team. Unmatched competitors will be ignored.

Import Patrols (Multi Sport)

There is a specialized import format for patrols. The file is separated by semicolon and the first row must be RAIDDATA. Then follows one row for each patrol: start number, team name, city, entry date, class name, class id, competitor 1, competitor 2, index for sorting. You import this file by specifying its source under Entries (Import Data)on the page Competition. Classes are created automatically. Example:

1;Fast Legs;Uppsala;2015-01-01;Short;1;Rikard Karlsson;Sven Karlsson;1
2;Ugly Fishes;London;2014-12-30;Short;1;Malte Malm;Rolf Rosig;1
3;Nice Fishes;New York City;2014-12-24;Long;2;David Smith;Mohamed Ronse;1

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