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Note: Text covers an earlier version.

Vacancies, Change Class and Cancelled Entries

Updated: 2012-10-30

When drawing a class, you can add vacancies to the class. To assign a vacant position, the convenient way is to use Vacancies on the page Competition. Type the data for the runner you want to enter. If you leave the fee field blank, the default fee will be assigned (this field is only visible if you have chosen to handle fees manually). If you type a card number and have access to the runner database, MeOS will fetch name and club from the database.
You can use a SI unit to get the card number. Start the SI unit as usual on the page SportIdent, and return to the vacancy form.

If have no drawn start list or want to insert new competitors before the first start, there is little point in using vacancies. Use instead Form Mode on the page Competitors and click New Competitor, and enter the required data in each form field.

When using Form Mode, the button Cancel Entry sets the status of the runner to DNS and a new vacant position is inserted at the (now free) start time. If you select Change Class you will instead see a list of available vacant positions in different classes. If you select such a position, the runners moves to that position, and a new vacant position is created in the previous position of the runner.
MeOS will not automatically adjust the fee when changing classes, so if the new class implies another fee, you must change the fee manually for that runner. See economy and Invoicing.

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