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Note: Text covers an earlier version.

Defined Symbols

Updated: 2019-05-14

Here follows the list of symbols defined by MeOS. Vector symbols are indicated by a square bracket, [], matrices by a double square bracket [][]. To find the number of runners in a team, use RunnerStatus.size()


BirthYearYear of birth
CardControls[]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]card, matched control ids (-1 for unmatched punches)
CardPunches[]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]card, punch codes
CardTimes[]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]card, punch times
ClubIdClub id number
ComputedPointsPoints as computed by your point method
ComputedStatusStatus as computed by your status method
ComputedTimeTime as computed by your time method
Course[]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]course
CourseIdRunner&[Unknown function 039;s]course id
CourseLengthLength of course
DistrictIdDistrict id number
FeeRunner/team fee
FinishRunner/team finish time
InputNumberUser defined input parameter
InputPlaceRunner/team input place
InputPointsRunner/team input points
InputStatusRunner/team input status
InputTimeRunner/team input running time
LegLeg number in team, zero indexed
LegPlace[]Place on course leg
LegTimeAfter[]Time behind leg winner
LegTimeDeviation[]Deviation +/- from expected time on course leg
MaxTimeMaximum allowed running time
PlaceRunner/team place
PointAdjustmentRunner/team rogaining points adjustment
PointGrossRogaining points before automatic reduction
PointOvertimeRunner/team rogaining overtime
PointReductionAutomatic rogaining point reduction
PointsRunner/team rogaining points
ShortenNumber of shortenings
ShortestClassTimeShortest time in class
SplitTimes[]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]split times
SplitTimesAccumulated[]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]total running time to control
StartRunner/team start time
StatusRunner/team status
StatusCANCELStatus code for cancelled entry
StatusDNFStatus code for not finishing
StatusDNSStatus code for not starting
StatusDQStatus code for disqualification
StatusMAXStatus code for a time over the maximum
StatusMPStatus code for a missing punch
StatusNotCompetitingStatus code for not competing
StatusOKStatus code for a valid result
StatusUnknownStatus code for an unknown result
TimeRunner/team running time
TimeAdjustmentRunner/team time adjustment
TotalPlaceRunner/team total place
TotalStatusRunner/team total status
TotalTimeRunner/team total running time


ClubIdClub id number
ComputedPointsPoints as computed by your point method
ComputedStatusStatus as computed by your status method
ComputedTimeTime as computed by your time method
DistrictIdDistrict id number
FeeRunner/team fee
FinishRunner/team finish time
InputNumberUser defined input parameter
InputPlaceRunner/team input place
InputPointsRunner/team input points
InputStatusRunner/team input status
InputTimeRunner/team input running time
MaxTimeMaximum allowed running time
PatrolRogainingOvertimePatrol overtime
PatrolRogainingReductionPatrol score reduction
PatrolRogainingScorePatrol score, rogaining
PlaceRunner/team place
PointAdjustmentRunner/team rogaining points adjustment
PointGrossRogaining points before automatic reduction
PointOvertimeRunner/team rogaining overtime
PointReductionAutomatic rogaining point reduction
PointsRunner/team rogaining points
RunnerCardControls[][]Matched control ids (-1 for unmatched) for each team member
RunnerCardPunches[][]Punch codes for each team member
RunnerCardTimes[][]Punch times for each team member
RunnerCourse[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]course
RunnerFinish[]Finish time for each team member
RunnerOutputNumbers[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output numbers
RunnerOutputTimes[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output times
RunnerPoints[]Rogaining points for each team member
RunnerSplitTimes[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]split times
RunnerStart[]Start time for each team member
RunnerStatus[]Status for each team member
RunnerTime[]Running time for each team member
ShortenNumber of shortenings
ShortestClassTimeShortest time in class
StartRunner/team start time
StatusRunner/team status
StatusCANCELStatus code for cancelled entry
StatusDNFStatus code for not finishing
StatusDNSStatus code for not starting
StatusDQStatus code for disqualification
StatusMAXStatus code for a time over the maximum
StatusMPStatus code for a missing punch
StatusNotCompetitingStatus code for not competing
StatusOKStatus code for a valid result
StatusUnknownStatus code for an unknown result
TimeRunner/team running time
TimeAdjustmentRunner/team time adjustment
TotalPlaceRunner/team total place
ClubIdClub id number
ComputedPointsPoints as computed by your point method
ComputedStatusStatus as computed by your status method
ComputedTimeTime as computed by your time method
DistrictIdDistrict id number
FeeRunner/team fee
FinishRunner/team finish time
InputNumberUser defined input parameter
InputPlaceRunner/team input place
InputPointsRunner/team input points
InputStatusRunner/team input status
InputTimeRunner/team input running time
MaxTimeMaximum allowed running time
PatrolRogainingOvertimePatrol overtime
PatrolRogainingReductionPatrol score reduction
PatrolRogainingScorePatrol score, rogaining
PlaceRunner/team place
PointAdjustmentRunner/team rogaining points adjustment
PointGrossRogaining points before automatic reduction
PointOvertimeRunner/team rogaining overtime
PointReductionAutomatic rogaining point reduction
PointsRunner/team rogaining points
RunnerCardControls[][]Matched control ids (-1 for unmatched) for each team member
RunnerCardPunches[][]Punch codes for each team member
RunnerCardTimes[][]Punch times for each team member
RunnerCourse[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]course
RunnerFinish[]Finish time for each team member
RunnerOutputNumbers[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output numbers
RunnerOutputTimes[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output times
RunnerPoints[]Rogaining points for each team member
RunnerSplitTimes[][]Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]split times
RunnerStart[]Start time for each team member
RunnerStatus[]Status for each team member
RunnerTime[]Running time for each team member
ShortenNumber of shortenings
ShortestClassTimeShortest time in class
StartRunner/team start time
StatusRunner/team status
StatusCANCELStatus code for cancelled entry
StatusDNFStatus code for not finishing
StatusDNSStatus code for not starting
StatusDQStatus code for disqualification
StatusMAXStatus code for a time over the maximum
StatusMPStatus code for a missing punch
StatusNotCompetitingStatus code for not competing
StatusOKStatus code for a valid result
StatusUnknownStatus code for an unknown result
TimeRunner/team running time
TimeAdjustmentRunner/team time adjustment
TotalPlaceRunner/team total place
TotalStatusRunner/team total status
TotalTimeRunner/team total running time

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