Note: Text covers an earlier version. |
Export to HTML
The button Web Document lets you export a list to HTML. You can select a web document of type Structured web document (html) or Free web document (html). Structured means that the list is built up by a table (invisible). The advantage is that the table structure can be copied into a word processing program and be edited.Free means that MeOS positions the text elements on the page by specifying the position for every text element. The document will be more similar to what it looks like in MeOS.
- Scale factor will scale the text with a factor.
- Automatic update instructs the web browser to automatically reload the page with this interval.
- Store Settings if you haven&[Unknown function 039;t]saved the list settings earlier (with the button Remember the List) this dialog is opened and you can save the list with the current settings. If you have saved the list earlier, the saved settings are instead updated.
- Automatize creates a service with the current list that regularly exports to HTML.
- Export lets you select a file and export the list directly.
In addition to the built in formats, templates can be used for export. With MeOS a number of templates are installed, for example Pages with columns. With this template, the list is exported as a number of columns on separate pages that are switched with a time interval. When the whole list has been displayed, data is reloaded. This template can be suitable when the lists are to be displayed on TV screens.For the templates, there is a set of parameters. Their exact use depends partly on the template, all may not be applicable.
- Margin controls the amount of white space there are around the text.
- Scale factor scales the size of the text with a factor
- Columns divides every page in a number of columns. The suitable number of columns depends on the width of the list and the width of the screen where it will be displayed.
- Show time is a parameter for the template that controls for how long every page will be displayed or how fast the text will scroll.
- Limit rows per page sets a maximum value on the number of lines that can be displayed on a page before a page break. If the template displays the list page by page, this value should be adjusted so that the amount of text on each page is just right for the screen in use. If you have activated Page break this will also be the case in the HTML export, and thus there will be one (at least) column/page per class.
You can link several lists, for example the start list and the result, by the function Remember the list. If you export to HTML from such a list, and you have exactly the same number of columns as the number of linked lists, MeOS will place one list in each column. In this way you can have, for example, one column with the start list and one with the result on the same screen. Or have the result for women in a column to the left and men in a column to the right.
If you don&[Unknown function 039;t]control the columns in this way, MeOS will try to balance them so they become approximately the same size.
You can link several lists, for example the start list and the result, by the function Remember the list. If you export to HTML from such a list, and you have exactly the same number of columns as the number of linked lists, MeOS will place one list in each column. In this way you can have, for example, one column with the start list and one with the result on the same screen. Or have the result for women in a column to the left and men in a column to the right.
If you don&[Unknown function 039;t]control the columns in this way, MeOS will try to balance them so they become approximately the same size.
Custom Templates
MeOS is installed with a number of built in templates, that are kept as .template files in the installation catalog of MeOS. Those who are knowledgeable in HTML can easily edit such a template and save it in the data catalog of MeOS (See About MeOS on the first page). In this way, it is possible to format the list in principle in any way and use a graphical style of your own. Be careful to assign a unique tag for every template. MeOS reloads the templates from file when you click Web, but not for every export.To post a comment, you need to log in.