Here follows the list of symbols defined by MeOS. Vector symbols are indicated by a square bracket,
. To find the number of runners in a team, use
Bib | Bib |
BirthYear | Year of birth |
CardControls[] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]card, matched control ids (-1 for unmatched punches) |
CardPunches[] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]card, punch codes |
CardTimes[] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]card, punch times |
ClubId | Club id number |
ComputedPoints | Points as computed by your point method |
ComputedStatus | Status as computed by your status method |
ComputedTime | Time as computed by your time method |
Course[] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]course |
CourseId | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]course id |
CourseLength | Length of course |
DistrictId | District id number |
Fee | Runner/team fee |
Finish | Runner/team finish time |
InputNumber | User defined input parameter |
InputPlace | Runner/team input place |
InputPoints | Runner/team input points |
InputStatus | Runner/team input status |
InputTime | Runner/team input running time |
Leg | Leg number in team, zero indexed |
LegPlace[] | Place on course leg |
LegTimeAfter[] | Time behind leg winner |
LegTimeDeviation[] | Deviation +/- from expected time on course leg |
MaxTime | Maximum allowed running time |
Place | Runner/team place |
PointAdjustment | Runner/team rogaining points adjustment |
PointGross | Rogaining points before automatic reduction |
PointOvertime | Runner/team rogaining overtime |
PointReduction | Automatic rogaining point reduction |
Points | Runner/team rogaining points |
Shorten | Number of shortenings |
ShortestClassTime | Shortest time in class |
SplitTimes[] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]split times |
SplitTimesAccumulated[] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]total running time to control |
Start | Runner/team start time |
Status | Runner/team status |
StatusCANCEL | Status code for cancelled entry |
StatusDNF | Status code for not finishing |
StatusDNS | Status code for not starting |
StatusDQ | Status code for disqualification |
StatusMAX | Status code for a time over the maximum |
StatusMP | Status code for a missing punch |
StatusNotCompetiting | Status code for not competing |
StatusOK | Status code for a valid result |
StatusUnknown | Status code for an unknown result |
Time | Runner/team running time |
TimeAdjustment | Runner/team time adjustment |
TotalPlace | Runner/team total place |
TotalStatus | Runner/team total status |
TotalTime | Runner/team total running time |
Bib | Bib |
ClubId | Club id number |
ComputedPoints | Points as computed by your point method |
ComputedStatus | Status as computed by your status method |
ComputedTime | Time as computed by your time method |
DistrictId | District id number |
Fee | Runner/team fee |
Finish | Runner/team finish time |
InputNumber | User defined input parameter |
InputPlace | Runner/team input place |
InputPoints | Runner/team input points |
InputStatus | Runner/team input status |
InputTime | Runner/team input running time |
MaxTime | Maximum allowed running time |
PatrolRogainingOvertime | Patrol overtime |
PatrolRogainingReduction | Patrol score reduction |
PatrolRogainingScore | Patrol score, rogaining |
Place | Runner/team place |
PointAdjustment | Runner/team rogaining points adjustment |
PointGross | Rogaining points before automatic reduction |
PointOvertime | Runner/team rogaining overtime |
PointReduction | Automatic rogaining point reduction |
Points | Runner/team rogaining points |
RunnerCardControls[][] | Matched control ids (-1 for unmatched) for each team member |
RunnerCardPunches[][] | Punch codes for each team member |
RunnerCardTimes[][] | Punch times for each team member |
RunnerCourse[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]course |
RunnerFinish[] | Finish time for each team member |
RunnerOutputNumbers[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output numbers |
RunnerOutputTimes[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output times |
RunnerPoints[] | Rogaining points for each team member |
RunnerSplitTimes[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]split times |
RunnerStart[] | Start time for each team member |
RunnerStatus[] | Status for each team member |
RunnerTime[] | Running time for each team member |
Shorten | Number of shortenings |
ShortestClassTime | Shortest time in class |
Start | Runner/team start time |
Status | Runner/team status |
StatusCANCEL | Status code for cancelled entry |
StatusDNF | Status code for not finishing |
StatusDNS | Status code for not starting |
StatusDQ | Status code for disqualification |
StatusMAX | Status code for a time over the maximum |
StatusMP | Status code for a missing punch |
StatusNotCompetiting | Status code for not competing |
StatusOK | Status code for a valid result |
StatusUnknown | Status code for an unknown result |
Time | Runner/team running time |
TimeAdjustment | Runner/team time adjustment |
TotalPlace | Runner/team total place |
Bib | Bib |
ClubId | Club id number |
ComputedPoints | Points as computed by your point method |
ComputedStatus | Status as computed by your status method |
ComputedTime | Time as computed by your time method |
DistrictId | District id number |
Fee | Runner/team fee |
Finish | Runner/team finish time |
InputNumber | User defined input parameter |
InputPlace | Runner/team input place |
InputPoints | Runner/team input points |
InputStatus | Runner/team input status |
InputTime | Runner/team input running time |
MaxTime | Maximum allowed running time |
PatrolRogainingOvertime | Patrol overtime |
PatrolRogainingReduction | Patrol score reduction |
PatrolRogainingScore | Patrol score, rogaining |
Place | Runner/team place |
PointAdjustment | Runner/team rogaining points adjustment |
PointGross | Rogaining points before automatic reduction |
PointOvertime | Runner/team rogaining overtime |
PointReduction | Automatic rogaining point reduction |
Points | Runner/team rogaining points |
RunnerCardControls[][] | Matched control ids (-1 for unmatched) for each team member |
RunnerCardPunches[][] | Punch codes for each team member |
RunnerCardTimes[][] | Punch times for each team member |
RunnerCourse[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]course |
RunnerFinish[] | Finish time for each team member |
RunnerOutputNumbers[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output numbers |
RunnerOutputTimes[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]method output times |
RunnerPoints[] | Rogaining points for each team member |
RunnerSplitTimes[][] | Runner&[Unknown function 039;s]split times |
RunnerStart[] | Start time for each team member |
RunnerStatus[] | Status for each team member |
RunnerTime[] | Running time for each team member |
Shorten | Number of shortenings |
ShortestClassTime | Shortest time in class |
Start | Runner/team start time |
Status | Runner/team status |
StatusCANCEL | Status code for cancelled entry |
StatusDNF | Status code for not finishing |
StatusDNS | Status code for not starting |
StatusDQ | Status code for disqualification |
StatusMAX | Status code for a time over the maximum |
StatusMP | Status code for a missing punch |
StatusNotCompetiting | Status code for not competing |
StatusOK | Status code for a valid result |
StatusUnknown | Status code for an unknown result |
Time | Runner/team running time |
TimeAdjustment | Runner/team time adjustment |
TotalPlace | Runner/team total place |
TotalStatus | Runner/team total status |
TotalTime | Runner/team total running time |