Note: Text covers an earlier version. |
Competition Settings
You find the Competition Settings on the page Competition. There you can enter the organizer&[Unknown function 039;s]address information, and other general settings.MeOS needs the organizer&[Unknown function 039;s]contact information, the field Account and Payment due to generate invoices.
Under Fees you can specify default fees for different class types and the Card fee used for rented cards. Entires after the Last entry date has to pay an increased entry fee, if the class defines a such. Fee extension (percent) is used to set a default value in new classes.
MeOS Insight
When importing IOF-XML 3.0, this file may specify fees. Then the values you enter here are overridden.
Age limits (for reduced fees) are used to give certain competitors a reduced fee. The lower limit gives a lower fee to young people. The upper limit can be used for a senior discount.
When importing IOF-XML 3.0, this file may specify fees. Then the values you enter here are overridden.
MeOS Insight
The fees you define are applied to each class, and then to each competitor. You may thus control fees on three levels, of which this is the highest level, see Economy and Invoicing.
Currency symbol defines the symbol used when formatting amounts, for example kr or £. Currency code is used in some export formats; examples include SEK and EUR. Currency symbol in front means that a currency expression is written like £10 rather than 10£. Mark Allow decimals if you need to use decimals; if whole numbers are not enough to define the fees. You can also specify which Decimal separator to use.
The fees you define are applied to each class, and then to each competitor. You may thus control fees on three levels, of which this is the highest level, see Economy and Invoicing.
If you specify a Maximum time, competitors with longer times will get status Max time.
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