Note: Text covers an earlier version. |
Drawing the Start List
On the page Classes you find the functions Draw / Manage Start Times and Draw Several Classes. In the list of classes, the symbol [S] indicates that all runners in the class has a start time. If all runners have a common start time, that time shows instead.Note
If you provide start punch units, it is the actual start time that is used. Do not provide start punch units if you always want to use the drawn start time. Or use the class setting Ignore start punch.
If you provide start punch units, it is the actual start time that is used. Do not provide start punch units if you always want to use the drawn start time. Or use the class setting Ignore start punch.
Drawing Start Times for a Class
The function Draw / Manage Start Times operates only on the selected class. You have to choose a method.- Draw random (MeOS) is MeOS default drawing method. It tries to separate competitors from the same club, but also ensure that each competitor has a chance to get every possible start position.
- Draw random means a totally random order.
- Swedish method means that times are distributed to ensure that runners from the same club does not start too close. The method uses an algorithm invented long before the computer era, which in the original form involves writing the competitors names on small pieces of paper, shuffling, sorting, and drawing.
- Seeded drawing can be based on ranking or a previous result, see Seeded Drawing.
- Grouped start means that the runners start in small groups of varying size, simulating the situation in the middle of a relay.
- Simultaneous Start means that all competitors start at the same time. Also late entries will automatically get the fixed starting time.
The field Start interval is the time between start for normal drawing. If you use groups start, all runners will start during this interval. If you provide a Number of vacancies, MeOS will add that many vacant positions. You can select if you want the vacant positions first, last, or drawn into the starting list. The field Leg is used to draw times of a certain leg in a relay. If you check Assign bibs and provide a bib number, MeOS will assign bibs starting with this number.
Under Start pairwise you can make the start individual (the default), or let competitor&[Unknown function 039;s]start two by two (in pairs), or in larger groups. Typically you would combine this option with some forking or a course pool.
The command Draw Class will assign start times to the entire class. The commands Draw Remaining Before and Draw Remaining After assign start times only to runners without a start time. The competitors are assigned times before or after (respectively) the already assigned times in the class.
The command Erase Start Times clears all start times in the class.
Drawing Several Classes
The command Draw Several Classes takes you to a form with basic settings. You can fill in First start and Least start interval, which is the least start interval within a given class. Vacancy fraction is given in percent. Method sets the rule for drawing.The command Draw Automatically draw all that remains to be draw without any further interaction from your part. If the courses are setup, MeOS will ensure that runners whose courses have similar opening do not start at the same time. If some runners already have start time, the check box Late entries in front decide if remaining runners get start times before or after the already drawn.
Simultaneous start lets you define a fixed start time for one or more classes.
See Advanced Start List Drawing for details on the manual draw method.
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