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MeOS Example Competitions

You can read about experiences made by other MeOS users in various situations. You can also download the actual competition to try and test the solutions in MeOS. There are three versions available, one complete with results (Complete), one as setup before any results was registered (Before) and one containing only class settings (Settings).

The competitions are made anonymous in the following meaning: the names of the competitors and the clubs are shuffled, and all personal and economical information is erased.

MeOS users can easily contibute to the list by submitting a competition. All you need to do is to upload the competition file and write some comments. The various download-able versions are created automatically.

RAID Uppsala 20102010-10-16OK LinnéCompleteBeforeSettings
Contributed by: Erik Melin
Published: 2014-06-06
Language: Svenska
Popularity: 9591 downloads
Raid Uppsala 2010. Multisport. Patruller med en SI-bricka per lag. Innehåller Rogainingmoment (poängorientering) och långklasserna har över 75 kontroller på banan. 
Team Rogaining2016-03-17Orienteringsklubben LinnéCompleteBeforeSettings
Contributed by: Erik Melin
Published: 2016-03-17
Language: English
Popularity: 4235 downloads
Rogaining patrol. The result to used in this list is the longest time and the smallest number of points.  
Readout two cards2016-05-08Orienteringsklubben LinnéCompleteBeforeSettings
Contributed by: Erik Melin
Published: 2016-05-08
Language: English
Popularity: 3829 downloads
A competition with one competitor doing two races in a row (with card readout and clearing between the races) 
Linnéklassikern2018-09-08Orienteringsklubben LinnéCompleteBeforeSettings
Contributed by: Erik Melin
Published: 2020-08-17
Language: Svenska
Popularity: 1856 downloads
Knockout sprint