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MeOS Lists

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Name and informationPublishedList
Sträcktider, gafflat2014-06-08Download
Contributed by: Melin Software
Language: English
Popularity: 1712 downloads
Split times including punch code for each punch, which is useful for forked courses.

Sträcktider inklusive stämpelkod för varje stämpling, lämpligt för gafflade banor.
Resultat OL-Skytte Klassisk2015-11-09 
Contributed by: Erik Melin
Language: Svenska
Resultatlista Orienteringsskytte Klassisk distans. För att använda listan aktiverar du stöd för Rogaining och manuell poängjustering. Använd sedan fältet poängavdrag på sidan deltagare för att ange bommar på formatet PPPLLSS där PPP är mm fel i punktorientering, LL är antal liggande bom i respektive serie och SS är antal stående bom i respektive serie. Exempel 31231 betyder 3 mm fel, 1+2 bom liggande och 3+1 bom stående. 
Lag per klubb2019-04-06Download
Contributed by: Erik Melin
Language: Svenska
Popularity: 786 downloads
För en stafett, en lista per klubb med klubbens lag och startnummer. 
Startlist Relative2019-06-13Download
Contributed by: Kamil Pipek
Language: English
Popularity: 808 downloads
Startlist included both relative and absolute start time and competitors external ID (useful for Czech registration IDs). 
Categories overview2019-08-12Download
Contributed by: Kamil Pipek
Language: English
Popularity: 731 downloads
Quick overview of number of competitors accross classes. 
Check Verify2021-06-15Download
Contributed by: Kamil Pipek
Language: English
Popularity: 507 downloads
Filtering of competitors with Check punched more than 120s before Start time - early start. They can be than manualy disqualified. It contains also result module which could be slightly modified (just to replace StatusNotCompetiting by Status) and use that directly as the rule for result calculation of the class. 
Results with penalties2021-12-14Download
Contributed by: Kamil Pipek
Language: English
Popularity: 609 downloads
Penalty +2minutes for each missing control instead of disqualification. It contains the corresponding result module which is possible to use "as is" for selected classes. 
Python - Overall Base List2022-10-17Download
Contributed by: Mike Avery
Language: English
Popularity: 520 downloads
Used to display rogaining results of several classes together, sorted by net points after overtime penalties, then by time.  
Kinder, Gentler Results2025-02-09Download
Contributed by: Mike Avery
Language: English
Popularity: 23 downloads
Eliminates 'MP' as a status and ranks competitors within their class in order of number of controls correctly punched, then by time.